History of Bethel New Life Church

       Birthed out of adversity, a group of Christian believers assembled to accept the charge by God to move forward as a church. On September 13, 2015 over 75 people assembled to hear of a transition that was awkward, but destined by God. From this gathering emerged a small group of determined believers to start a new ministry. This body of believers met weekly and prayed. Each week for 90 days one of the associate ministers and guest speakers brought the message as we met in the Hilton Hotel in Oak Brook. After 111 days of silence, Pastor R. Keith Beauchamp spoke to the congregation and we launched out into the deep as a stronger and more dedicated group of Christians to begin a fledgling new ministry. As a sign of commitment to this new ministry the members signed the Church Charter on November 29, 2015. It was at this time that the members voted on the name for our new ministry – Bethel New Life Church. The members met to develop a constitution and a set of by-laws to govern.  During this time the congregants met at the Bolingbrook Library and then Bolingbrook Recreation facility for weekly Prayer and Bible Study.

      On December 6, 2015 we moved from the hotel to Hope Presbyterian Church, 1771 S. Wiesbrook Road in Wheaton to share the edifice with that congregation. Under the generous guidance of their leadership, Pastor Jay Moses extended an invitation to us and we signed the lease with the Chicago Presbytery and what a blessing it has been. Various ministries were developed quickly and our leaders were trained by Dr. Eric Rogers. Min. Renece Weathersby assumed the role of Director of Christian Education and our programs took off. Minister Jean Jackson also was selected to guide our Sunday School as its first superintendent. Rev. Dr. Regi Ratliff guided the church through the paperwork to gain the federal exemption status from the federal government.

       In February 2016, we held our first baptism for four members, what a day of rejoicing for our congregation as we fulfilled the Great Commission. The following people were selected to serve in the following capacities: Deacon Keith Carter (chair of the Deacons Ministry & Lead Servant – Audio Visual Ministry); Sister Felicia Napper (chair of the Trustee Ministry); Trisha Shelton-Bell (Treasurer); Brother Rodney Napper (Minister of Music); Sister Regina Jordan (Lead Servant – Hospitality); Sister Delores Blue (Lead Servant – Nurses & Ushers); Sister Susie Brown and Sister Charmain Dunn (Grant Writing Ministry); Sister Farrah Lewis, Sister Jacquetta Carter, Sister Shari Jordan (Lead Servant and Asst. Lead Servant- Youth Ministry); and First Lady LaVerne Beauchamp (Lead Servant – Women’s and Matrimony Ministry).

      Within one month of being together at the new site a choir was formed under the direction of Bro. Rodney Napper and First Lady LaVerne Beauchamp. Pastor Beauchamp and Minister Jackson served as the first musicians. Within 30 days of them forming the choir God sent us a godly musician, Bro. Patrick Robinson. The church purchased a set of drums. We were excited because no sooner than they were purchased we realized that we had 5 or more members interested in serving as church drummer.

       This has been an unusual start, but God has been present in every movement. This church is destined by God to rise from the ashes and become a beacon of light to the lost and a path toward Jesus Christ. The scripture we have decided to use as a motto is found in John 10:10b, which states, “I am come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Thanks be to God who gives us the victory that we are alive and thriving under the auspices of the Holy Spirit to live the life destined for us.

        As the journey continued to show off the awesomeness of God, the Audio-Visual Ministry expanded by leaps and bounds in technology. The ministry is featured on Face Book before hundreds of viewers weekly and on YouTube. The responses are a phenomenon.

Out of requests from our young people, the Pivotal Praise Dancers were formed. The original members were Autumn Beauchamp, Jamayah Ousley, Quiana Brooks, and Azaria Jordan.  This ministry was birthed out of wanting to praise God through dance and self-expression. The Pivotal Praise Dancers were featured on “A Different Drummer” in March 2018. The Opportunity to share about Bethel New Life Church and the ministry of dance was expressed beautifully by the young ladies. The roster included Autumn Beauchamp, Jacqasia McAfee, Malasia McAfee, Alesha Adams, Chantay Adams, Shiuntay Adams, and Lakiya Vaden, which happened to be a great combination or worshippers and dancers.

During the 2017 Anniversary, it was prophetically announced that Pastor Beauchamp should stay in the region of Wheaton and preach each Sunday for one year. The prophet shared that it was vital that the preached word should be handled and presented by no one else.  Praise the Lord! The mandate was fulfilled in the power and the authority of Jesus Christ.

In 2018 we presented the first Vacation Bible School and Church Revival simultaneously focused on the book God Chasers by Tommy Tenny. The Christian Education ministry has been very productive adding this presentation along with new teachers in that year. The Sunday School teachers were: Jann Beauchamp, Jennie Stoner, Jacquetta Carter for the adults along with Minister Monica Adams and First Lady LaVerne Beauchamp, who worked with our youth under the guidance of our Director Minister Renece Weathersby.  In 2019 we welcomed Minister Stephen Harvey to lead our Music Ministry.  He brought a different spiritual nuance to the music in our worship experience.

2020 began with our Annual Fast. For 21 days the congregation prayed for spiritual, mental, and physical growth. By March the church was confined to our homes due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Due to the many gifts in the technological world, we were still able to hold weekly services through Facebook.  We also held Sunday School, Prayer and Bible Study and quarterly meetings via Zoom.  During this season God gave Pastor Beauchamp the vision to lead the congregation into a Capital Campaign called Project Faith and Action.  This project was broken into 4 phases which included connecting with corporations and companies that had interest in supporting Black organizations. Due to the civil unrest in our country, our church embarked in several events that spoke to racial concerns.  We read several books in collaboration with Hope Presbyterian Churches in Wheaton and Chicago.  We became aware of Be the Bridge, authored by Latasha Morrison, which was introduced to us by Sister Jennie Stoner. After reading the book we worked with Hope Presbyterian Church to develop leaders to oversee discussions about racial reconciliation. The ultimate desire is to one day reach the masses with this wonderful Biblically-based format.

At the end of the calendar year Pastor Beauchamp elevated Minister Renece Weathersby to the role of Assistant Pastor effective January 1, 2021.  The second part of Project Faith and Action was focused on a day in February 2021 to not only address Black History Month, but to honor and educate people about racial equality, solidarity, and racial reconciliation.  This unique event was done virtually and encompassed working with Hope Presbyterian Church and the Progressive Baptist State Convention of Illinois, Inc.  As cases of Covid-19 were declining the church celebrated the return to the building on the 1st Sunday in June and what a glorious day it was to be surrounded by the saints once again. Bro. Patrick Robinson, Bro. Ishmael Jones along with Kristen McNeil joined our musical staff once more after the departure of Minister Harvey. As Project Faith and Action was coming to a close the church was able to expand it’s ministry with the purchase of a collapsible baptismal pool.  The first candidate to be baptized at the church was Bro. William Carter.  The celebration continues in both the physical and spirit.  We give God all praises for the wonderful things He has done through our ministry thus far and we expect even more in the future. To God be the glory or the things He has done! Amen.

Mission of Bethel New Life

Our mission is to glorify God by introducing Jesus Christ as Lord to as many people as possible and to help them grow in their Christian living, thereby impacting an ever-changing world and making a positive difference from generation to generation.

Vision of Bethel New Life

We are a ministry based on biblical principles where the spirit of hospitality welcomes the community with open arms. Our integrity and compassion require us to reach individuals who are struggling and brokenhearted both by introducing them to God’s saving grace and by practically meeting their needs. We encourage academic and spiritual excellence while mentoring and supporting leaders. The spirit of excellence that is ignited by Christ inspires community participation, personal development, and ongoing outreach.